Friday, March 27, 2009

Early morning

We're off. The ISC jumpers course comes complete with a very tight threadle that a lot of dogs, especially small dogs, are having trouble with. Times are averaging around 25 seconds, but Jean Levally just laid down a smoking run in 12" with Spec at 23.05. Chris Parker and Wow! had a lovely run in 24" but, unfortunately, she started on the wrong side of jump 1!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for doing this - the info and pics are great! I went to the natls in Ohio a few years ago but was not able to come to Charlotte. Many of my friends from Virginia are there so any information is appreciated.

Enjoy your day!
joy - sneaking a peek at work

Unknown said...

I echo Joy's comments and I am glad you decided to purchase the camera-makes me feel like I am there :)


Anonymous said...

really enjoying your posts and pictures, keep up the good work, it does really feel like we have an inside view, tell the Oregon competitors that we are cheering them on! Go Lori!!

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